Flaxxa Wapi Review


Flaxxa Wapi is a strong tool for WhatsApp marketing and automation. 

It helps you send bulk messages, set up chatbots, and use reply bots and auto-bots easily. 

You can start using Flaxxa Wapi in just 3 simple steps: 

  • Step 1: 

Connect your phone number Sign up and link your WhatsApp number. 

It’s fast and easy, so you can start using all the features right away. 

  • Step 2: 

Set up your brand & contacts Add your brand details and upload your contacts. 

Flaxxa Wapi’s smart tools make organizing and personalizing your messages easy. 

  • Step 3: 

Send your first campaign Click send and let Flaxxa Wapi handle the rest. 

Track your results, make sure your messages reach your audience and see better engagement and conversions.

Source: https://mei-review.com/flaxxa-wapi-review/


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